luni, 28 decembrie 2009
duminică, 27 decembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 26 decembrie 2009
But damn, you smell good. like home..
Dear Karen:
If you’re reading this, it means I actually worked up the courage to mail it. So, good for me. You don’t know me very well, but if you get me started, I have a tendency to go on and on about how hard the writing is for me. But this– this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write…
There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: I met someone. It was an accident. I wasn’t looking for it. I wasn’t on the make. It was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another. Next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. And now there’s this feeling in my gut. She might be the one.
She’s completely nuts, in a way that makes me smile highly neurotic. A great deal of maintenance required. She is you, Karen. That’s the good news. The bad is that I don’t know how to be with you right now. And it scares the shit out of me, because if I’m not with you right now, I have this feeling we’ll get lost out there.
It’s a big, bad world full of twists and turns, and people have a way of blinking and missing the moment– the moment that could’ve changed everything.
I don’t know what’s going on with us, and I can’t tell you why you should waste a leap of faith on the likes of me. But, damn, you smell good… like home. And you make excellent coffee. That’s got to count for something, right?
Call me.
Unfaithfully yours,
Hank Moody
Californication 2×10, In Utero
If you’re reading this, it means I actually worked up the courage to mail it. So, good for me. You don’t know me very well, but if you get me started, I have a tendency to go on and on about how hard the writing is for me. But this– this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write…
There’s no easy way to say this, so I’ll just say it: I met someone. It was an accident. I wasn’t looking for it. I wasn’t on the make. It was a perfect storm. She said one thing, I said another. Next thing I knew, I wanted to spend the rest of my life in the middle of that conversation. And now there’s this feeling in my gut. She might be the one.
She’s completely nuts, in a way that makes me smile highly neurotic. A great deal of maintenance required. She is you, Karen. That’s the good news. The bad is that I don’t know how to be with you right now. And it scares the shit out of me, because if I’m not with you right now, I have this feeling we’ll get lost out there.
It’s a big, bad world full of twists and turns, and people have a way of blinking and missing the moment– the moment that could’ve changed everything.
I don’t know what’s going on with us, and I can’t tell you why you should waste a leap of faith on the likes of me. But, damn, you smell good… like home. And you make excellent coffee. That’s got to count for something, right?
Call me.
Unfaithfully yours,
Hank Moody
Californication 2×10, In Utero
vineri, 25 decembrie 2009
I'm out. Fo' sho.
ceva timp a trecut. doi ani si ceva. sperantse. vise. si acum.. te intorci la aceeasi melodie. Weird. in rest.. doar.. n'ai sa stii.
joi, 17 decembrie 2009
joi, 10 decembrie 2009
A vrut ea odata sa scriu pe blog si mi-a facut o invitatie si eu “da da, o sa scriu” si n-am mai scris.. ei, uite ca imprejurarile ma indeamna sa ma bag si eu in seama pe aici si de aceasta data vreau sa cred ca sunt intr-un fel o voce a poporului, adica a oamenilor pentru care ea inseamna ceva, indiferent ca e prietena, antipatica, fosta iubita, rivala, sursa de inspiratie, scorpie, enervanta, copil si tot asa.
Stiti cum e ea? Cea mai simpla definitie ar putea fi o minte de copil uitata intr-un corp de putin pana la 18, corp ce uneori isi dovedeste varsta reala. Un mix ciudat si nebunesc, ba chiar inedit si atragator, de alintaturi, zambete, momente sclipitoare, ganduri murdare, lacrimi, muzica, vama veche, culori, jucarii, iubire, nebunii, indiferenta.
Ea ne enerveaza si ne amuza in acelasi timp. Ar face orice sa ne faca fericiti, dar tipa si se indispune repede. Asculta reggae si e innebunita dupa despot, dar cand e suparata se tortureaza ascultand melodii sensibiloase, ce-i provoaca amintiri. E indiferenta si prea implicata. E femeie si copil. E mandra si accepta prea repede cacaturile altora. Plange si rade. E surprinzatoare si banala.
Pe ea nu ai cum s-o cunosti destul de bine, pentru ca nu ai sa stii niciodata cand iti arata fix opusul a ceea ce credeai tu despre ea. Dar o iubesti asa si ajungi dependent de ea.
Iar tu marino sa nu o incerci sa ne-o iei vreodata ca nu stim ce ne facem fara ea. Si daca tot iti plac tie chestiile inedite, te provoc. Mai sunt cinspe minute si implineste 18 ani. Hai opreste timpul ce tot ne ameninta cu shimbari, ca stiu ca si tie iti place de ea mai mult la 17. Sa fie.. 17 infinit. Cap ou pas cap?
Stiti cum e ea? Cea mai simpla definitie ar putea fi o minte de copil uitata intr-un corp de putin pana la 18, corp ce uneori isi dovedeste varsta reala. Un mix ciudat si nebunesc, ba chiar inedit si atragator, de alintaturi, zambete, momente sclipitoare, ganduri murdare, lacrimi, muzica, vama veche, culori, jucarii, iubire, nebunii, indiferenta.
Ea ne enerveaza si ne amuza in acelasi timp. Ar face orice sa ne faca fericiti, dar tipa si se indispune repede. Asculta reggae si e innebunita dupa despot, dar cand e suparata se tortureaza ascultand melodii sensibiloase, ce-i provoaca amintiri. E indiferenta si prea implicata. E femeie si copil. E mandra si accepta prea repede cacaturile altora. Plange si rade. E surprinzatoare si banala.
Pe ea nu ai cum s-o cunosti destul de bine, pentru ca nu ai sa stii niciodata cand iti arata fix opusul a ceea ce credeai tu despre ea. Dar o iubesti asa si ajungi dependent de ea.
Iar tu marino sa nu o incerci sa ne-o iei vreodata ca nu stim ce ne facem fara ea. Si daca tot iti plac tie chestiile inedite, te provoc. Mai sunt cinspe minute si implineste 18 ani. Hai opreste timpul ce tot ne ameninta cu shimbari, ca stiu ca si tie iti place de ea mai mult la 17. Sa fie.. 17 infinit. Cap ou pas cap?
miercuri, 9 decembrie 2009
Ea este dreadie. E cute si fun si imi bate in monitor si sare cand ii dau papa si mananca tot din bol si fuge daca uit sa o hranesc si sta pe canapea si scoate limbutsa si canta la chitara si se scarpina in fund:"> si face roata (dhua.. azi a facut roata:x) si are prieteni si e hepi cand ii cumpar ceva nou si'i place chestia aia de pijama pe care i'am luat'o azi. Si e verde si are nasucul roz siii.. am grija de ea. hihiii.

(aa da. asa'i fac cand e obraznica:">)
(siii.. asa se alinta draguuuts:">)
ps: e creatsia mea:">:">

ps: e creatsia mea:">:">
duminică, 6 decembrie 2009
sâmbătă, 5 decembrie 2009
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